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Theresa Burleson

Contributing Author

Creole-American, Texas breed and Colorado raised Shepard, Actress, Poet, Writer & Author, Theresa Burleson, is a Fiercely Devoted Woman of God. Burleson, is a disciple of Christ who's continuously witnessing the transforming power of Christ in her life. After constantly struggling with always trying to force control in her life, she finally realized that God's dreams for her life is better than her own. She laid them at His Throne and that was the start of it all. She is now continuing to experience His Glory and splendor each day, and He’s taken her to new heights in every area of her life. Burleson is experiencing what it’s like not just to choose, but to be chosen.  Currently she's been letting God take down giants and remove strongholds in her life that were keeping her from destiny and allowing Him to birth what He always intended on creating in her from the start.